Sunday 17 June 2012

The Olympic Torch Arrives in Hartlepool and all thoughts Art...

As a child always thought any association with the Olympics would be via the TV and never would an opportunity exist to be part of or even near where the Games are being hosted....well, I was lucky enough to get tickets for the athletics, one night only, and today witnessed the torch being carried through Hartlepool on its way to London. So two of my life ambitions complete to some degree... now to pull all the other pieces together as seamlessly...hmmm , not so easy in the art world, its a tough industry to be successful in and rejection is cast before one more than acceptance. Its the nature of the beast. But when little jewels of success burn bright within our art and creative efforts, the rewards are immeasurable.
I love making things , and for me most of the enjoyment and mental challenges come within solving the artistic problems which arise with each creation. Control of the process leading to a result that is visually appealing in its objectives. Not every project comes off immediately, and sometimes I have to leave work for a day or two and return to complete them with a fresh eye and new perspective.

Sometimes I wish I had that same working success in human relationships, unfortunately one cant leave them and return later to fx them , or can you? Its the age old philosophy dilemma of moving forward and not prodding the sleeping dog while it it might just bite you on the backside.Food for thought, I guess not all of life is art , and sometimes I get drawn too deeply into thoughts about the past...then it permeates my art....I know the signs...the skies go dark and black predominates the heavier shades....its then that I take a break and force myself into a choice of at least two primaries, to break the cycle....

With sculpture I haven't had the same issue , as its carving , grinding and shaping, although subject choice is perhaps affected by overall mood and sentiment...I guess each piece has my thoughts at the time embedded within the process, as creating certainly allows me to think about the past , future and present....

Anyway , enough rambling , some pictures from the Olympics today as it travelled through Hartlepool.

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