Friday 4 October 2013

...of destiny and events that steer a life path....

..they say its only one small decision taken by someone known or unknown that can set off a change in one's life that sets you off on a journey that is often well beyond your control. I still marvel at how this happened to me over the years with others playing a god like role in deciding what they thought was the right outcome to a situation without consulting me...or fully comprehending the mammoth implications of their actions on my life and my choices....sometimes these individuals have a hidden agenda, other times its pure malice and spite. Sometimes it is a combination of all of these factors. The excuse , sometimes its for the greater good or  your benefit , are phrases that mean nothing...words simply strung together to avoid the the real reason or truth. I do not believe that anyone has the right to alter another human beings life choices without proper consultation and discussion about changes in practice. These decisions have often led to stress, isolation and feelings of being set up , without rhyme or reason. 'Said individuals' took such decisions nearly a year ago without even considering the impact or long term implications of their actions. Their intent could be seen as nothing more than pure malice, and a hunger to control. These traits I detest, if such people were all around me daily , I would need to move to an uninhabited island. Unfortunately when you have to co-habit work spaces with such individuals , you will be prone to living and working in a suspicious environment that cultivates a conspiracy atmosphere in your daily routine. Nothing worse than trying to do a job to the best of your ability if its in a non-trusting environment.

Playing and toying with someone's life , as if you see them as nothing but a stepping stone or someone to castigate because you thirst for hunger of a devious path to follow. Over the last few years I have had the misfortune to work with such individuals, my daily routine was a game of poker, never KNOWING what cards were being held or had been dealt, and having to second guess every action or ''play'' of such individuals on a daily basis. This became so draining mentally and affected every area of my life, my art suffered terribly, I could not find the inspiration and drive I now have..what a pity, all my positivity robbed by said individuals who never thought beyond their political ambitions.

To now own ''my space'' and business/company, has been a refreshing change, my faith in basic human decency now restored as I meet and work with genuine people who are not trying to play the god game with me. This is life. It seems that for seem reason, I landed up in a pit of blackness, surrounded by a succession of so called managers and leaders who all suffered from said god syndrome. I once heard it said that the worst often get further in life , than more sincere people...not sure...but know I have had my fair share of exposure to these dark its happy creative people who care about the sunset and doing a good turn...what a breath of fresh air. Perhaps karma will now reset all that injustice that prevailed for so long , making my life ,unbearable at times. Art needs to be produced in an environment that is happy, free from stress and conducive to creating free thought without the weight of oppressive personalities. I do believe I have found a happy space now, to enjoy , savour and be just me. And for that freedom , I am truly grateful.
Funny, that word , ''freedom'' means so much more to me now.

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