Saturday 3 November 2012

The Age of Chaos and Art.

Recently a few of my art friends have commented on how "Art Academia" and selling art, are so very seperate as subjects and should be seen and perceived as oil and water to a degree. Art being judged on some academic formula , as derived through formal academic considerations...but in reality, is ultimately  subjective , as one mans art is anothers junk or worthless....or even invalid as a statement of intent! 
Selling art is art inself, (Warhol , I believe) and to try and understand ultimately how to judge or value art is very subjective, from any angle that is pursued. Conceptual verse the Literal, slavish detail verse the abstract , how does one value and appraise the true worth of a piece? Hours at the easel or chisel? Years working as an artist? Or , simply is it what the market will pay? (afford?) .
I believe the art market has changed , with the "virtual galleries online", dictating the price and selling of art. Large galleries no longer have a "Salon" type influence, or hold over artists. Artists now have the largest audience available , online , 24 hours a day , the "Modern Salon des Refuses!"

Art , yes is in chaos(Hickey) , but that can only be good for art. From chaos will rise order , and new forms and styles of expression will be born. I think it is too difficult to see patterns of development in art in the present time and climate, but in years to come , reflection back , will allow the patterns to show that order, which to so many critics, is non - sensical in 2012. The shift of control has allowed artists to flourish and be published and shown , to audiences all over the world, and those that sell online, are as valid as those paying 50 percent commission in a high street gallery. Economics do come into play though, as selling art online does resrict price to a degree, 500 pounds, in Britian, I believe is the mark at the top end, but sales of 100-300 pounds are easier to process , in a recession. And there are many artists , turning over thousands in revenue monthly. Food for thought ?!

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